Friday, October 30, 2009


It's exactly 2:30 am and i'm sitting here trying to find something to write about because I can't sleep, but my mind has just gone completely blank. A minute ago I had a hundred different things running through my head and then the next minute..silence. Which for me I might add is the strangest thing, because I always have something to say haha. I guess I was hoping I would be able to type out whatever was on my mind so I might be able to get a good night sleep, but it looks like another restless night.  

1 comment:

  1. Haha its true, you always seem to have something to say :) (which is a good thing). Yeah that does suck, espcially when you goto say something to someone and you just go blank. I usually find when I'm lacking sleep it's the best time I can think about things or it might just be very late at night when there is no sounds except for my keyboard.

    "It's exactly 2:30am" >> "Posted by Angii at 2:25am" =P.
